Incorporate a Business in Ohio or Form an OH LLC
Requirements to Incorporate in Ohio
State of Ohio Incorporation Filing Fee: $125
Our Service Fee: Only $45 - Includes Federal Tax ID # (FEIN)
Your total cost for Incorporating in Ohio: $170
How long will incorporating in Ohio?
Standard Filing Time - About 7 to 14 business days Expedited Filing Time - 3 to 5 business days- additional fees apply
Additional services available when incorporating a business in Ohio? Get a Quick Quote
Ready to incorporate your business in Ohio? Simply fill out our Online Ohio Incorporation Form. We'll handle the rest!
How to name a corporation in Ohio: When incorporating in Ohio the name must not be deceptively similar to any other corporate or LLC name on file with the state. Common name endings - Incorporated, Inc., Corporation or Corp.
Directors: If less than 3 then must be equal to the number of shareholders - no residency restriction - must be at least 18 years old. Ohio does not require listing of directors in the articles of incorporation.
Officers: One individual can hold all offices. (i.e. president, secretary and treasurer) Ohio does not require listing of officers in the articles of incorporation.
Stock: Number of shares and par value does not affect state filing fee.
S Corporation Election: Recognizes federal s-corp election. Requires filing of additional state form
Requirements to form a Ohio LLC
State of Ohio LLC Filing Fee: $125
Our Service Fee: Only $45 - Includes Federal Tax ID # (FEIN)
Your total cost for forming an Ohio LLC: $170
How long will llc formation in Ohio take?
Standard Filing Time - About 7 to 14 business days Expedited Filing Time - 3 to 5 business days - additional fees apply
Additional services available when forming an llc in Ohio? Get a Quick Quote
Ready to Form an LLC in Ohio? Simply fill out our Online Ohio LLC Formation Order Form. Start Biz Here will do the rest!
How to name a LLC in Ohio: When forming an LLC in Ohio the name must not be deceptively similar to any other corporate or LLC name on file with the state. Common name endings - Limited Liability Company, L.L.C. or LLC.
Membership: One or more - no residency restriction - must be at least 18 years old. Ohio does not require listing of members in the articles of organization.
Management: Ohio does not require the listing of managers in the articles of organization.
Registered Agent in Ohio
Ohio Corporations and Limited Liability Companies are required to have a registered agent who must maintain a physical address in the State of Ohio and be available during standard business hours.
What is the process for Incorporating or forming an LLC in Ohio?
Upon receipt of your Ohio incorporation or LLC formation order we:
- Check your name choice for availability in the State of OH
- Prepare your OH incorporating documents and send them to the state for filing
- Monitor the progress of your filing for acceptance by the state
- Notify you upon receipt of your filing confirmation by our office
- Forward your filed documents/confirmation to you
- We then fulfill any additional service requests
You can also choose to have us:
Ready to incorporate a business in OH? We make it easy. Simply fill out our simple online order form for Ohio and our experienced professionals will handle the rest. You can feel confident in knowing that the Start Biz Here staff has been incorporating companies for just over ten years.
After incorporating a business in Ohio be sure to take advantage of the other services we offer for assisting with the maintenance a growth of your company.