Delaware and Nevada Incorporation and LLC Formation Info
State of Delaware Corporation & LLC Information
According to the Delaware Division of Corporations more than half a million business entities have their legal home in Delaware. This includes more than 50% of all U.S. publicly-traded companies and about 60% of the Fortune 500. Delaware continues to attract new corporations for a variety reasons.
Some of the benefits of forming in Delaware:
- Business-friendly State Government
- Advanced & flexible business formation laws
- Delaware has a specialized business court - The Court of Chancery
- State fees for incorporating are lowest in Country
- No requirement to list names & addresses of initial directors
- Directors are free to compose or change bylaws at any time
- One individual can hold all corporate offices
- Corporations and LLCs can operate anonymously without disclosing owner’s identity
- There is no sales tax or state income tax for corporations or LLCs formed in Delaware but not transacting business in the state
- Shares of stock owned by persons outside of the State are not subject to Delaware taxes
State of Nevada Corporation & LLC Information
Nevada is another state that has become attractive to business owners. According to the Nevada Secretary of State there are a variety of benefits to forming in Nevada.
Some of the benefits of forming in Nevada:
- No corporate income tax or taxes on corporate shares & no franchise tax
- No personal income tax and no I.R.S. information sharing agreement
- Annual fees are low compared to other states
- Privacy - minimal reporting and disclosure requirements
- Stockholders are not a matter of public record
- Stockholders, directors and officers do not have to be U.S. citizens
- Directors are not required to be stockholders
- Officers and directors can be protected from personal liability for lawful acts of corporation
- Corporations may purchase, hold, sell or transfer shares of its own stock
- Corporations may issue stock for capital, services, personal property, or real estate with the value being determined by the directors and their decision is final
Other States Incorporating Requirements
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