Legal Disclaimer & Privacy Policy
Legal Disclaimer
Start Biz Here Inc. is a business formation and document filing service and does not in any way provide legal services, legal counsel, legal advice or tax advice. Information contained on our web site is general information and is not intended to be used as a replacement for nor is it to be construed as legal counsel or legal advice.
Start Biz Here Inc. shall not be bound by filing times listed on this web site as they are representative of approximate filing times as experienced during the normal course of business and may be effected by high volume filing periods.
Any cause or claim shall be limited to the amount paid by you, the customer, for services rendered by Start Biz Here Inc.
Placing an order on the website indicates that you agree to our legal disclaimer and policies.
Privacy Policy
We understand the value of the information that you provide us when placing an order online. That is why we make every effort to maintain our web site’s integrity and security. It is our policy to preserve the confidentiality of any information supplied to us by our customers through our web site.
We will not sell or distribute your information for any reason. The information you send to Start Biz Here Inc. via our web site is used strictly to process your order and to provide delivery and service instructions to our suppliers and delivery agents.
It is important to note that once a filing has been accepted by the state we have no control over the manner in which the state handles your information.