Form a Nonprofit Corporation Fast, Easy and Inexpensive!
DH Ventures
FREE Initial Consultation!
Start and build a tax-exempt nonprofit organization with our Preferred Partner!
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Need to Form a Non-Profit Corporation?
Start a Non Profit Corporation with DH Ventures a Preferred Partner
Are you interested in forming a tax-exempt nonprofit organization, IRS 501(c)(3), that is eligible to receive tax deductible donations, gifts, grants, contributions, and can operate for-profit businesses? DH Ventures and Start Biz Here have partnered to offer you the resources you’ll need to start and build a successful tax-exempt nonprofit organization.
DH Ventures will prepare and file all required documents to form a corporation and obtain state and federal (501c3) tax-exemption, including:
- Employer Identification Number (EIN) application
- Bylaws
- Budget
- Articles of Incorporation
- Purpose Statement
- State application for tax-exemption (if applicable)
- Prepare your State & Federal application for tax-exemption - 501(c)(3) - After your Articles of Incorporation have been filed the important next step is to apply for state and federal tax-exemptions.
Additional Services Included with your Nonprofit Formation:
- Free initial consultation
- Unlimited free customer support
- Paperwork completed in 5 to 7 days
- Help answering questions, if requested, from state and federal offices pertaining to your applications
- Nonprofit start-up resource information - e.g., start-up resources, strategic planning, Board development, coaching, social entrepreneurship, fundraising suggestions, state and federal compliance information, etc
DH Ventures is committed to providing you with efficient and accurate consultation and outstanding personal service.
Special Offer - Form a Nonprofit Today!
SAVE $100 on your nonprofit formation when you use the coupon below or Mention Code SBH2010!
Start a Non-Profit Corporation and Save $100
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