IRS Form Preparation & Filing
Form SS-4 - Application for Employer Identification Number (EIN)
The IRS requires that new business entities file the Form SS-4. Upon filing the IRS will assign an EIN, commonly known as a tax ID #, for your company. The EIN will be required in order to open bank and credit accounts, hire employees or set up benefit plans. Your company will use it much like you use your Social Security Number.
Complete EIN Service - Designed to help you get your business running ASAP
- We prepare and file the EIN application using the fastest method available.
- You are notified of your company’s EIN as soon as it is obtained by our office.
Form 2553 - Election by a Small Business Corporation (S-Corp Application)
If you wish to obtain S-status for you corporation the IRS requires that your new corporation file the Form 2553 - Election by a Small Business Corporation.
S-Corp Application Service
- We prepare the S-Corp application and send it along with the confirmation of your filing.
- You simply sign the completed S Corp election form (all shareholder signatures are required) and fax it to the to the appropriate IRS office.