Where to Incorporate a Business or Form an LLC
You can incorporate your business or form your LLC in any state.
However small business owners often decide that incorporating or forming an llc in their home state is what makes sense for them. By doing this they avoid additional costs and paperwork associated with forming in one state and then having to qualify their corporation or LLC to do business as a foreign entity in another state.
For example, let's say you form an llc or incorporate a business in Florida but you are operating your business in Illinois. Illinois will require you to qualify your Florida company to do business in their state. This is commonly known as a foreign qualification.
Some help deciding where to incorporate a business or form an LLC
There may be circumstances when incorporating your business or forming your llc in another state is beneficial to your company but there are some things to consider when deciding where to incorporate or form an llc.
In what state will your corporation or LLC be located?
- Small businesses usually benefit the most from incorporating or forming their LLC in the state where the business is physically located or operating. This is commonly referred to as the home state of the business.
What are some of the additional costs and paperwork associated with forming in one state and operating in another?
Additional costs:
- State fee required to file foreign qualification
- Registered Agent service fees
- You will have to pay an annual fee and possibly franchise taxes in both States
Additional paperwork:
- Foreign Qualification filing with the state
- You will have to file tax returns in both states
- You will have to file annual reports in both states
For these reasons incorporating or forming an llc is usually less complicated and less costly when done in your home state.
How much will it cost to incorporate a business form an llc in your state? Go to our Get a Quick Quote page and see how inexpesive it can be!
Already know where to incorporate your business or where to form an llc? With our incorporating service it's easy!
Simply fill out the Online Incorporation & LLC Formation Order Form. Our experienced professionals will handle the rest. You can feel confident in knowing that the Start Biz Here staff has been in the incorporate business for just over ten years.
Choose a State from the list below for information on incorporating or forming an LLC
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After incorporating a business or forming an llc be sure to take advantage of the other services we offer for assisting with the maintenance a growth of your company.